What a lovely little day today. It was Wednesday, and do we know that that means for this vintage doll? Yep, no work. So, I went to visit my very modern best friend in Columbus to have lunch. We quickly drove through Wendy's, and because it was such a beautiful day today, we ate at a park. So vintage doll and modern doll had fabulous time discussing things about life. As we were about to leave, I noticed there was a tire swing. I love tire swings. It reminds me of being 4. Don't ask me why. I never had a tire swing in my entire life, but I get very nostalgic about tire swings. It's a quirk.
And no, that is not a vintage outfit at all. Just a pair of skinny jeans
and wool jacket from Talbots my mother gave me. It slightly resembles
a Pendleton 49er jacket, so I like it until I get a real one! My sunglasses
are vintage though. I believe they were my grandmothers and from the
50's. I may be lying though.
Silly best friend. She wore a skirt and it was only 60 degrees out!
We took one more picture on the bench and then she had to go back to boring work and I got to go home and work on important things such as:
Tracing more patterns. Yep. 5 hours later and I finally finished. It takes quite a bit of time trace patterns. Now I just have to study those instructions on how to size them up a size or two. This is what it looks like:
I use pattern tracing interfacing. So far, it has done the just fine, though I know most people use Swedish interfacing. When I opened one of my patterns I had bought at the flea market a few weeks ago, there was this amazing pamphlet on how to care for Rayon and other types of fabric, how to iron it and how to wash it. It was a great surprise.
I am not sure of the date, but looking at the clothes in the picture and the awesome hairstylings of the lovely ladies, I would say it is from the 1940's. If anyone knows better, please correct me.
I also received some lovely packages in the mail today:
The red, orange, and teal fabrics are 1930's feedsack reproductions I ordered from Reproduction Fabrics. Very cute I think.
This hat, from the 60's?? is in practically perfect condition, and has adorable accents to boot. I got it but it now price for $3.00 on ebay. Can you believe that. When I saw it I swore there had to be something wrong with it, but not, the lady was that generous.
The last thing I got was this navy dress from MyCocoonVintage. At first, when I opened the package, I was a little disappointed because the accents are definitely gold. A gaudy gaudy gold and in the pictures they had it looks very light gold, almost white. I thought, "whatever am I to do with this truly awful goldyness." But then a brilliant idea popped into my head. Instead of pouting about it, I did something about it. I found some 1/4 inch white grosgrain ribbon and pinned it on top of on top of the ugly gold trim and covered it up. I will have to find some white buttons to replace the ones that it has on it, and then it will be very adorable.
Tomorrow I only work a half day, which you know, only amounts to two hours of work, so guess what I will be doing all day??? Any guesses. I am too predictable I've decided. Oh and no messy bed shots. I apologize for those. I gotta find a new spot to take pictures because I never make my bed. Very unladylike, I know, but I find it a pointless task whose only purpose is to waste my time.
But as you can tell
today was a fabulous day. Forgive the slightly possessed and creepy look I have going on up in that picture and Please comment. I love hearing from you.
Until tomorrow

Such a cute blog! You are a very talented sewer and witty writer....what an enjoyable read! I do have some tricks for pin curls from my cosmetology school days---remind me next time I see you @ church, for I would take up too much space on here :)
Thanks for having lunch with me!!! Love you:)
priscilla, it was such a lovely time having lunch with you. We must do it again soon!
Alicia- Thanks so much for reading!! I would love to hear your tips on pin curling. They drive me nuts:D
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