I am guessing this hat is from the 40's?? And I honestly do not know which way is front and which way is back. Your guess is as good as mine.
This poor hat. I am guessing you are from the 50's. The netting was a little ripped, so I had to fix it, but otherwise it is fantastic. The gorgeous netting adorns the sides, although you couldn't tell from the way it is placed on the snoglobe. It looks more like a black netting looking scary manta ray. But it is still one of my favorites.
This one is from the late 30's. It was labeled at the flea market and I believe the label. I think. I wore this in a post a few days ago. I think it is my favorite because of the butterflies.
I am guessing this hat is from the 50's. I gotta get a hat pin if I ever plan on wearing this very dramatic hat. It was in perfect condition and I was lucky to find it for only $3. You can't beat that.
I'm not even going to guess at the date of this hat. It still has it's labels, but as far as I know it could be late 60's. It is definitely Asian inspired though.
This last hat is in poor shape. It's such a shame because hat, you truly are cute. It does look as though some heartless cruel fiend sat on it just out of spite, because otherwise it truly is in gorgeous condition. If anyone has any tips on how to reshape a hat, please comment. I can just imagine wearing this hat over the summer when we go to Oxford, MD. Yep!
I also got two pairs of 50's clip on cluster earrings and a "pearl" necklace, and a fantastic black 50's dress that had a petticoat underneath. You can't beat that.
Although, I could have made another one.
Yep, every vintage gal needs her needs her proper undergarments. I am still learning about the different eras and what women wore underneath, but I do know that they had support in every part of their upper body. No fat was left unsupported. I need to get a garter belt to hold up my fully fashioned nylon stockings, but for now, I have 2 different types of corsets that made.
The top one, I had actually started to make for a 4-h project when I was a sophomore in high school, but it never got finished. I actually forgot about it until my mom pulled it out. So I resolved to finish it since all it needed was for the binding to be hand sewed and the buttons and grommets needed to be put on. Not too bad. About 3 weeks later I finished.
I also know that women wore a slip with most dresses because clothing was rarely lined, and it just helped clothing to lay nicer. I got this one on Etsy and it is from WWII. I had to fix a couple of seams and take the darts in a little more, and now it fits perfect.

Lastly, there are the fully fashioned nylon stockings. I Love, with a capital L, love these stockings. How can you not?? They are super comfortable and soft, and they are separate for each leg, so they are not as constricting as hose and tights are nowadays. And there is the back seam. Much more fashionable than the hose/tights ladies wear now. Does anyone know if they wore hose during the summer months as well, or did they just go bare legged with socks? I honestly do not know. There are some shoes that I cannot see without hose, and would look simply dreadful with socks, so any comments of others more knowledgeable than I would be greatly appreciative.
And last but not least, these are not in any way shape or form related to hats or stockings or undergarments, but look at what my mother surprised me with when she got home today:
Couldn't you just scream. I know I did. These are very sharp shoes indeed. Modern, but with a vintage flair. You can't beat that. So yay!
Shoes: Superly Cute Shoes
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